Friday, February 20, 2009

Things Should End On Their Own Accord - Part II

What I was trying to say in the previous post can be distilled into following thesis:

How a relationship is created and maintained determines fundamental characteristics of the relation - including the time, power-structure and joy. Any serious change to any of these fundamental characteristics of a relation causes relationships to die a slow death.

Death of a relationship means that you just stop caring about the person you were in relationship with.


Given that the life keeps throwing stuff at you, it is inevitable that almost all relationships will die. If you really really care about someone and not want to be forgotten by them, you should be careful about fine-tuning the fundamental characteristics of your relationship ...

Also, make sure that you spend plenty of time, in a way that you can continue to spend that much amount of time over a long run.

Do not move away from someone (this applies only to your spouse) if you cannot risk losing that person.