Sunday, November 16, 2008

Instant Love ... A Certain Chemistry ... By Mil Millington - Part 3

Right, now I know what you guys is like, so I think I need to step in here - just quickly - and get something straight. 'Cause I can just see you all sitting there going, "Yeah, I know what's happening here, " and starting to invent this big theory that I'll never be able to get you off of. You just can't stop yourselves. That's part of the problem, in fact. I don't know about what George (Georgina is her real name) said back there a ways about wanting to have a shrink, but I do know that every one of you secretly thinks you could be a shrink: you just love to analyze one another. If I don't step in here, you'll be giving it all the "this means that" and "he does such because she does whatver" and "it's all to do with unfulfilled needs" and "faulty images of self" and "the table represents his mother" and who knows what you'll end up believing. Well, before you start doing that, I',m going to say one word to you, okay? Here it is: monoamines. Got that? Monoamines.

I'll explain this more later - now's not the time. But I want you to stay focused, you hear me? I want you to keep on the path and, if you ever find yourself wandering off into some tangled forest of theorizing, you just say to yourself, "Monoamines, " and get yourself back on course. Think you can do that for me? Yeah, well .... at least try - okay?

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