Sunday, November 16, 2008

Instant Love ... A Certain Chemistry ... By Mil Millington - Part 2

Hiya, God here again. Forget I was watching, did you? Yeah, that happens a lot. Ha ha! Relax, relax, it's okay - I'm just kidding with you. I got to tell you, one of the real drags about being God is being, you know, misunderstood. You know what I'm saying? It's like I crack a joke and everyone's, "What did he mean by that? Should we laugh? Or is he going to smite us or something?" I'm telling you, it'd really get me down if I let it. And expectations too. Man, you wouldn't believe the expectations people have of you when you're God. They can come to you with a real attitude because you don't do things the way they expected. Sometimes I have to get a bit heavy, you know - remind them all the lines. "I hear you're upset, and that's okay. But lose the attitude or you'll find yourself in a situation - you hear what I'm saying?" Like, say, when they die. Some of them stand there shooting their mouth off. Real obstreperous. They're like, "Hey, Tony, we followed this religion or that religion and this god or these gods, and it turns out you're nothing anyone's ever heard of! Why didn't you tell someone, eh? Do you realize the time we've wasted panicking about certain days and what to wear and how to do things and what we could say? And don't even start us on the nightmare we've had keeping to the diet." You know, like that's my fault. I have to try to calm them down, yeah? Say I can see where they're coming from but I didn't make all that up and, frankly, some of it ... well, for ages I didn't think anyone actually believed that stuff, I thought they were just pretending to believe it for a joke. You know, being kind of ironic. Anyhow, eventually I generally get them to calm down. It's a bit of a kicker wasting all that time (though, I tell you, mostly I think they're angry just because they're embarassed), but that's over. Put it behind you. Fresh start. They usually come around in the end. It's a pretty good place here, all things considered. We even have minigolf now.

Whatever - let's stick to the matter in hand, eh? The tale I'm laying on you here, with Tom and all those guys, I showing you it so you understand a few things, okay? I'm trying to show you why things happen the way they do. It's about how stuff works, basically - that is, it's about how you work, that's the thing I'm trying to explain: the reasons you all behave a certain way and how you stick to the path, even though you can't see the path. Some of you may not like what I have to tell you, but it's for the best that you understand the situation. So, for now, I just want you to watch the people, right? I know how you guys tend to get, well, "distracted". You look at what work people do and where they are and all that kind of thing. The scenery. You get all caught up with the details and can't see beyond them. Well, don't, okay? What's happening here is what always happens. And there are reasons for that, but I'll come to those later. Just don't get distracted by any of the background noise, okay? Watch the people. Don't think about who they are; watch what they do. It's the people. The people are always the important thing.

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